ACE*COMM Corporation (NASDAQ: ACEC), a global provider of network business intelligence and advanced operations support systems (OSS) solutions, today announced the release and general availability of the ACE*COMM Market Maker(TM) network and market visualization tool specifically geared to North American cable multiple system operators (MSOs).
ACE*COMM Market Maker(TM) has already been successfully deployed with operators in the EMEA region. The North American version of this product is now available – it provides a visual, integrated view of operations that supports effective decision making for marketing campaigns, direct sales targeting, customer churn management, and network grooming.
Cable MSOs in North America face a competitive environment as new entrants to the video service market are increasing both customer churn levels and pricing pressures. ACE*COMM’s solution helps cable operators focus on reducing their cost of customer acquisition, gaining high-value customers, and increasing network utilization based on a holistic view of their markets, services, and network assets.
ACE*COMM Market Maker(TM) brings together many disparate data types, including address information, GIS mapping data, network schemata, and even credit rating and risk analyses into a visual environment that lets cable MSOs see where the best prospects are – as well as where they are not. This helps them focus their marketing campaigns in order to achieve higher quality upsell and new customers, and gives them the information they need to match marketing efforts with available capacity.
ACE*COMM Market Maker(TM) capabilities include:
— Marketing Campaign Support and Call Sheet Generation: provides analysis of capacity versus penetration, layering and customer visualization support to identify marketing campaign opportunities, and marketing list generation. This resulted in a 23% reduction in direct marketing costs at a tier-one UK operator, with a simultaneous increase in uptake rate.
— Cable Capacity Analysis and Grooming: provides analysis of capacity to identify grooming and utilization opportunities. This resulted in significant deferral of capital expenditure, actual versus budget, for a European operator.
— “Never-Never” Analysis with Address Reconciliation: provides analysis of addressable and serviceable premises, identification of premises never having service and never being known, address reconciliation and cleansing. This resulted in a 10% addition of previously unknown serviceable prospects to a UK operator.
— Cable Customer Visualization: provides layering of network and profile data to support customer visualization for CRM functions. This revealed a market potential of over $100 million per year in untapped subscriber revenues for a UK cable operator.
ACE*COMM Market Maker(TM) is an ACE*COMM Network Business Intelligence(TM) (NBI) application – a suite of products that support telecom data integrity, management, and analysis, with a focus on actionable intelligence.