After detailed research within the billing and IT community, the agenda for IIR’s forthcoming BSS Summit has been finalised and is available to download today. Be the first to see the exciting line up of speakers, as well as the informative array of learning opportunities that await you in Amsterdam this year.
In addition to the 50% discount that is available to all Operators, you should also take advantage of early bird booking rates and reserve your place at the Summit today! Registertoday to ensure your place at EMEA’s premier telecoms BSS event and save money! Please quote CG2009OSSEM when registering.
Operators currently face challenges on many fronts; in a volatile economic climate there is a very real imperative to reduce cost, yet operators must continue to roll out enticing services, retain customers and sustain and grow the business.
Every investment made is now closely scrutinised by the CFO; BSS investments perhaps even more so, due to a declining, but nevertheless lingering view of billing and IT as non-strategic, ‘mere back-office’ functions. Nevertheless, billing and IT teams are now in the front line – this is your opportunity to actively shape the fortunes of your business in the months and years ahead. If you can successfully improve efficiencies and reduce costs, while continuing to develop architectures that are flexible and scalable enough to enable faster time to market and improve your business’s competitive positioning, you will have a significant impact on the bottom line. Effective planning of billing and BSS infrastructures will be critical to how many operators fare in the near future.
Join us in Amsterdam to learn which BSS investments you should be pursuing in the current environment. Not only will you learn proven survival strategies from other operators, you will also discover where revenue growth opportunities will lay in the months and years ahead. What’s the future of mobile broadband? Should operators continue to invest in mobile payments? Will the MVNO model evolve? Book now to ensure that you discover the answers to these vital questions and become confident in your abilities to:
1. Define and convince your CFO of viable billing and IT investments
2. Cut costs and improve process efficiencies
3. Support product and service innovation
4. Protect and assure your organisation’s revenues
Register Today
If you would like to reserve your place, the registration process is now open. For more information and to book your place now, Call +44 (0)20 7017 4401 or e-mail your registration to us at [email protected] or visit