Convergys Corporation (NYSE: CVG) announced recently that Colombia’s UNE, which offers integrated IP telephony, mobile, broadband, voice, video and other telecommunication services to residential and business customers, has selected Convergys to support its innovative 4G services in real-time. Convergys will provide managed services for its real-time, convergent platform at UNE.
UNE is among a handful of providers worldwide – and the first in Latin America – to launch its 4G network over LTE Advance, which enables mobile devices to exchange data at 100 megabits/second, a significantly faster data speed than is currently available on 3G networks.
UNE required a solution with demonstrated flexibility and the ability to handle the complexity of real-time convergent services, which Convergys convergent platform was able to demonstrate. The flexible platform can accommodate any new service like 4G-LTE, support convergent service requirements in real-time, and help UNE speed its offers to market.
The Convergys’ solution also provides proven revenue assurance, a must-have for providers offering real-time services, and integrates well with UNE’s objective architecture model, which includes CRM, provisioning and enterprise resource planning software.
Convergys develops and implements Smart Revenue Solutions for the telecoms, cable, satellite, broadband and utilities markets. These solutions can help providers to Solve for today. Evolve for tomorrow.SM Convergys’ Solve and Evolve approach enables providers to have the tools to transform to the changing world. Convergys calls it SmartLifeSM; transforming everyday touch points and transactions into seamless, positive, loyalty-building customer experiences.