Equinox Information Systems plans to attend, sponsor, and participate in CFCA’s Annual Meeting and Educational Event this summer. This annually recurring meeting is set for June 20 to June 22 in Miami, Florida, this year. As the event’s host, CFCA has arranged a full lineup of speakers from around the global telecom industry and security fields. The agenda gets underway with a pre-conference workshop on international revenue share fraud (IRSF), followed by strategies for dealing with phishing attacks, multiple case studies, sessions explaining the fraud challenges in today’s industry, and an interactive presentation on the latest fraud loss survey, which is currently being compiled.
Equinox has been an active member and sponsor of the Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA) for 20 years now. As an industry leader in the fight against fraud, Equinox is deeply invested in the revenue protection and fraud vulnerability challenges faced in the day-to-day operations of CFCA’s carrier and operator members, many of whom are Equinox customers. This year, Equinox is also slated to present a rapid fire vendor solutions session during the event.
To learn more about CFCA and its mission, visit www.CFCA.org. To get further event details or register for the Annual Meeting and Summer Educational Event, visit www.cfca.org/events.