Evolving Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: EVOL) has launched SaaS DSA, a new cloud-based version of its industry leading Dynamic SIM Allocation solution.
By introducing Dynamic SIM Allocation™ (DSA) in 2008, Evolving Systems offered a much-improved alternative to established SIM distribution and activation practices. Since then DSA has been chosen by wireless operators across Asia, Europe, Africa, and Central and Latin America, to become the new standard for activating SIM cards.
SaaS DSA eliminates the unnecessary costs operators incur by having to pre-provision SIM cards in the market, ensures that SIM cards are no longer constrained by MSISDN availability and improves SIM stock mobility. Yet, it provides these essential DSA benefits as a hosted service, minimizing the initial effort and expense operators incur in getting the service up and running, shortening the time to market of the new service, and ensuring the operator can begin enjoying the benefits of DSA in a matter of weeks.
SaaS DSA enables operators of all sizes to capitalize on the benefits of DSA with a pre-defined core offering for rapid deployment.