InfoVista, the global leader of IP and RF network planning, service assurance and network optimization software solutions, today released VistaNEO, a powerful and scalable mobile network experience optimization solution. The new solution helps mobile operators’ RAN engineering, optimization and troubleshooting teams combat subscriber churn and maintain existing revenue streams. This is accomplished with VistaNEO by geo-analyzing subscriber and network experience 24/7, to proactively manage network and service quality at the subscriber level.
VistaNEO automatically and intelligently collects and post-processes subscriber-centric, call detail records to analyze quality of service (QoS) over temporal and spatial dimensions. This process turns billions of data records into actionable intelligence about the subscriber experience, enabling mobile operators to monitor subscriber-aware network experience in near-real time. Ultimately, this means that mobile operators can better understand and solve network problems that truly affect subscribers.
VistaNEO supports multiple network vendors as well as 3G and 4G, enabling mobile operators to continue driving network quality and invest in their next-generation networks, without the risk of losing visibility into subscribers’ behavior and experience.