OXYCOM, the start-up company has decided to build a BSS Platform based on Comarch’s products. According to the agreement, the following modules will be implemented: Comarch Convergent Billing, Comarch Service Activation, Comarch Billing Mediation and Comarch ESB (Enterprise Service Bus).
The project has been up and running since the ending of the first phase of the implementation. During this stage, main functionalities and integrations were deployed, which are perceived by OXYCOM as crucial in order to deliver all its services such as VoIP, Software on Demand (SoD), Software as a Service (SaaS) and eCommerce platform.
Currently, the project is in its second stage, during which further functionalities are developed, mainly focused on automation processes and system integration, which will enable OXYCOM to activate its next advanced services.
The key component of the implemented solution is Comarch Convergent Billing, a modern high capacity and scalable billing system which contains a Central Product Manager with all the products and rates of OXYCOM’s services. The solution also supports partner data management and inter-partner settlements, customer relationship management, account data management along with a full integration with the existing CRM system, thanks to Enterprise Service Bus – Comarch ESB.
Comarch Billing Mediation is a fully scalable platform, responsible for data collection distribution, processing and system distribution. It monitors the elements to which it is connected and generates predefined alarms and notifications. Comarch Service Provisioning is responsible for fast and reliable service activation along with complete integration with the existing platforms which provide services.