Telco Big Data US 2015
September 9th 2015, Las Vegas
Carriers are beginning to untangle the web of big data to translate their proliferation of information into tangible and actionable insights to solve internal inefficiencies, plan their network capacity and to expand and generate a range of marketing activities.
From forming a holistic picture of your customer and influencing consumer touch points to improving quality of service and experience, the business case for developing for a nuanced approach to big data within the telco is clear. Yet the proliferation of technologies, solutions and approaches is hindering the Telco’s adoption of meaningful big data strategies & solutions.
Telco Big Data US 2015 is North America’s ONLY Big Data event with a specific carrier focus. Bringing together representatives from across the region, the event will provide key insights into the challenges and benefits of carriers utilising data & analytics to deliver a personalised service to the end user as well as monetising carriers’ existing data to create new revenue streams.
The event will solve pain points both for carriers and vendors, connecting them with new technologies, providing them with new insights and methodologies to overcoming the obstacles that the “Vs” of big data present.